Thursday, July 17, 2008

Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog

Well since we have been spending quite of bit of time with each other over these past few months, I thought it was about time to share some things about myself...

1. I am a comic nerd. Little insight into Manley, I got into photography when I was in elementary school due to my compulsion towards and unflinching conviction that one day I would be Spider-Man. I would be a liar if I said that I don't still see myself as an alternate Earth Peter Parker/Spider-Man awaiting for his destiny to just catch up with him.

2. I love musicals. To me, the musical is the purest form of communication ever. From battling to love-making and any other human to human interaction, the musical provides a world where if you have a hitch to your giddy - no problem is too big and no love unwon. If you can't express your belief in song, accompany it to dance and have others join you in cause and step; then you really didn't have a leg to stand on in the first place.

3. I love space. Trigun, Firefly and the like sing a song that resonates deep within my bones. Really, I love Westerns anywhere else but the West. And plus, Westerns in Space often have a considerable less Cowboy/Gunslinger to Horse ratio going on.

4. I hate horses. Fuck horses.

Today's post satisfies almost all of those four qualifiers of Manleyness. No it is not a video of Magento draw-and-quartering a horse, but this video series starring Neil Patrick Harris, Nathan Fillion and created by Joss Whedon of Firefly and Buffy fame. When I was sent the link to Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog, I didn't know what to expect but now, I cannot stop singing its praises (pun intended).

Everyone in my office has seen it and you should as well!
Click the link and proceed,

And for added awesome, I found a sweet track from Turntable Labs' very own Snack & C'Mish called Young MD. The track is from the Money Studies release from late last year entitled "Secret Hideout" and it includes a killer sample which I will just let you hear for yourself.

Snack & C'Mish - Young MD

Sorry it's only 128 kbps but the amount of shit I went through to get this track is amazing. Lots of Internet fuck around and tricks were used to get this sweet garnish of music for this even sweeter post.

-Manley, Himself

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