How fuckin' sick is this!? From our friends of the great white north, Canadia, comes this - The Scratchophone. An Ultra-Portable Turntable/Mixer/Djembe "Device" that allows you to...
what for it...
Scratch on the go...Again, I ask you, how fuckin' sick is this?
here's what the Scratchophone people have to say...
"The Scratchophone is a portable Scratch instrument, featuring a turntable, tonearm, mixer, a pair of speakers and a rechargeable battery. It is an ”instrumental unity” for scratching: all in one, portable and autonomous! The Scratchophone can be carried and used virtually anywhere in a wide variety of applications: jamming with friends, playing live on stage and even scratching outdoors... Professsional features like the exclusive tangential micro-tonearm for non-skipping scratching, the unique rotary fader box to play in any posture and an ultra-high torque direct drive set it apart from other products for Scratch DJ’s."
Here's the Scratchophone in action - Fade Wizard @ DMC Canadian final 2008
Check out there site -
If anyone was happening to wonder what I would like for my birthday, well, the search is over...
- Manley, Himself
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pure !
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