Hey everyone, I know its been a while, but I’m back and keen on posting some delicious tech house and deep house jams that I’ve been enjoying during the past several weeks of my absence from the blog. I love the nasty jams as much as anyone else but there needs to be a balance right? So if you’re in the mood for a grooving bass driven jam, or a smooth melody to get those feet tappin, here’s to you! Here are a few of my favorite tech house/deep house/techno selections in the past several weeks. Enjoy, and please support the artists!
All links to and regarding MP3's are strictly for sampling and evaluation purposes.
Please help the musicians listed on this site by purchasing their record, CD, tracks, etc. Turntable Lab, iTunes and Beatport are good starting places for purchasing music...
All links to MP3s will be removed at the request of the artist or their respective label.
If you are an artist or blogger and wish for us to post something of yours, please contact us.
New Tracks, Mixes, Reviews or whatnot are welcomed and respected.
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