Friday, September 10, 2010

Twin Sister a la Team Jaguar

The tracks contained within this post were made with the hopes of impressing the girl I fancy. The woman that has caught my eye is remarkably considerate and gracious - her poise and intelligence is refreshing to witness - her beauty has few equals and her inspiring presence, even less so...

All in all, just a pure delight to be around and I would like to do more of that.

She also is a pretty big dance music and mash-up fan. After seeing Twin Sister and The Hood Internet in Tallahassee at the engine room, I thought I could do something sweet for her... and here we are...

Team Jaguar - Anthems for a Seventeen Year Old Lady Daydream (Twin Sister & Broken Social Scene) by Team Jaguar

Team Jaguar - Supa Phenomenons (Twin Sister & Missy Elliot) by Team Jaguar

Team Jaguar - All Around and Away We Go, When Was The Last Time (Twin Sister & Clipse) by Team Jaguar

Team Jaguar - Pop Lock and Milk It (Twin Sister & Huey) by Team Jaguar

Team Jaguar - The Other Side of Sally (Twin Sister & Gucci Crew II) by Team Jaguar

Yes, this is a totally selfish post I am making and it's something that we don't normally encourage here at Penned Madness buuuuuuuuut it is with good reason... and hopefully it works...

wish me luck internet...

- Mannes of Team Jaguar

entire collection in one easy to grab section...

Twin Sister Mash-Ups by Team Jaguar by Team Jaguar


Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

There's a word for you sir, a word...

Manley © said...


that's not technically two words is it...

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