Friday, April 18, 2008

Back again...

Later on tonight, I am doing a favor for a friend and fellow radio station DJ...
I am spinning at a Junior High Dance...

Yep, showing off my "mad skillz" to 12 and 13 year olds.

I am looking forward to it actually, not for the music (I have been downloading their requests, some of the worst music I have ever heard. Oddly enough though, great tunes for remixes which I intend on making this weekend) but for the chance to be silly for a night...

It'll be a good time I imagine, I also imagine I will be writing all about it this weekend as well...

So to leave you, and set the mood, I am going to link one of my Middle School jams - slightly remixed for today's dance enthusiast...

Tag Team - Whoomp! There It Is! (Spinstyles Remix) (zshare)

check it to wreck it

-Manley, Himself

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1 comment:

Lauren said...

You should live blog from the dance.

9:20: "Kids requested Soulja Boy for the seventh time.
9:25: Kid in green shirt tried to do a handstand. Failed miserably.
9:30: No one knew the song I just played. Really? You don't know Tag Team?
9:35: Soulja Boy again.

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