Thursday, April 17, 2008

Your Mom's Favorite DJ Indeed...

Today, I spent some of my afternoon listen to WPRK 91.5FM, in ye olde Winter Park Florida. WPRK is the radio station of Rollins College, a private college local in the heart of Winter Park, and is, presumably, college owned and operated. They attest to being the "Best in Basement Radio," a scientific claim that has not been tested, and pride themselves on being a source for "independent" in the Orlando/Winter Park area.

This said afternoon, WPRK happen to have a guess on their show; Orlando spinstress, Miss Fit...

After to listen to her set, and the news about the launch of the infamous the, WPRK were giving away tickets to an upcoming Kid Koala show at The Social.

Being at full stoked potential upon hearing this news, I call up the station lightning quick.

and now I'm gonna go see Kid Koala for FREE, on the 6th of May...

Quite exciting really... for me anyways. Kid Koala is nothing but inspiration to me, a true genius really. If I could be a quarter of the artist he is, I will die a happy DJ. Here's an example of true glory, a little diddy called "The Drunken Trumpet..."

When Mr. Koala came through Tallahassee a few years ago, he recorded this 'song' as well as a whole set live in our own radio studio - WVFS Tallahassee 89.7FM.

Kid Koala - LIVE AT V89 - track 06.mp3 (zshare)

But that's not the only why I am excited about the show, I am excited cause I get to go back to Orlando, even if it is just for a day or so. The Orlando scene feels like some girl I dated so long ago, a relationship you have to stop and think about and say to yourself, "Oh yeah, we did fool around didn't we....weird."

Now, since moving back to Tallahassee some two years ago, I kinda sorta lost touch with the Orlando dance scene. Before the trek up north, I would drive my happy ass out to I-Bar (with my van full of people) all the way from Merritt Island, each and every Thursday night. We would have to due to our hometown; you see, Merritt Island - and Brevard in general - is one canine short of a "Dog and Pony" town. It is exactly like the town in "Footloose," the only difference being that dancing isn't banned, just boring...

That being said, I would make it a point to get out and dance it up each and every chance I got. And trips to Orlando provided me just the hit I needed. I really enjoyed these times and mentally refer to them often. Then Tallahassee came along, and it turned into a different game for me (I didn't just want to dance, but make people dance).


Times began to change in the Orlando scene...the city grew one. Before it was skinny white kids with stupid hair dancing at I-Bar, now it's skinny white kids with stupid hair dancing at I-Bar and Backbooth and Firestone and Suite B and so many other places. It's a scene I am eager to get back involved with, and hopefully in the next couple of months those plans will come to fruition.

Until then... I have Tallahassee times and this Kid Koala show to look forward to...

-Manley, Himself

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Lauren said...

You forgot the most important part. You get to see me!

Manley © said...
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Manley © said...

How could I forget that! It will be a good time, though, have we decided on either food or beverage to enjoy when we meet up?

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