I feel it is my blogging duty to warn you good folks that the post today is not for the faint of heart or party. Today's collection of inbox goodness are not your run of the mill dance music tracks, these jams are each a heavy, blood pumping experience... The collection of them in a single post poses possible side affects to ones health - like one of those ridiculous sampler platters at your favorite brand restaurant. Just as tasty, but potentially just as addicting...
Please note that the "Penned Madness Dance Platter Special" comes with one energized alcohol drink of your choice and a side of "GET'M UP!" Bleu Cheese or "LET'S GO, LET'S GO!" Ranch

All the killer genres, all on one plate! We got some hard electro, some bassline, some bmore, some clunk hits, and of course some remixes of classics! Come on down to The Penned Madness Dance Corral and get yourself some "FUCK YEA!"
Join me as I dig in@!@!
First to put me in the mood, I choose to start out with some goodness from Quix Vs. Elliot...
Outkast vs. I.M.Elliot vs. QUIX22 - Spottie Ottie (I.M. Elliot vs. QUIX22 Remix)
A quite satisfying start to my journey, I decide to brave on and see what else lays before me... and that would be some "Egg Yolks Yo" by Lewis Cancut by the looks of things...
Lewis Cancut - Egg Yolks Yo
Delicious I say but I do believe I could use some libations though. A little altering of the spirit with spirits as it were. I proceed to order a DJ Barletta with Kid Cranberry on the rocks.
Kid Cranberry & DJ Barletta - Get Drunk
Heavens me, I do feel a bit strange after that, light headed and surreal... I believe this is called being "Tipsy" by my good friends Teen Wolf and J-Kwon...
J-Kon - Tipsy (TEEN WOLF'S underage drinking p.s.a.)
All that drinking has seem to have made me pretty sluggish, or as the Schlachthofbronx would call it in their own special way, La Lenta...
Madera Limpia - La Lenta (Schlachthofbronx Remix)
The barbarian of a waiter nearly refuses by order of a Loud Party, I plea with his good senses and human kindness. "One More Drink," I'm told, is all I'll get tonight...
Ludacris - One More Drink (Loud Party Remix)
After my drink, suddenly, everything goes wrong. I am struck with pain. Doubling over in my chair, all I can do is grasp my torso and wince. My insides burn and throb, this Rapture happening within me is unbearable. As certain as Death+Taxes, I have never felt this way before and may never feel again...
DatA - Rapture (Death+Taxes Remix)
This is all too much, I must find some comfort... I Figure I'll just go to my happy place...
I am Jack's Body... I am Jack's Body
FIGURE - I am Jack's Body (Original Mix)
No, it's no use, Action Jackson and Smokey Robinson were right... The tears of this clown are the only bodily function in my control... I simply give up and submit to the onslaught within me...
Smokey Robinson - Tears of a Clown (Action Jackson Remix)
Head sunk deep within my mitts, stained with the color of multi-track recordings and the stench of heavy basslines, I continue to sob as a hand gently lays on my shoulder and asks in an even more gentler voice, "Something Wrong?"...
Breathing heavily, I shift my glance up at a silhouetted figure above me. I struggle through the tears and shame to make out the outline of this kind individual and the object he seems to have raised above his head.
In the same reassuring voice, the shade leans over to me as the room suddenly darkens and deafens and whispers "We Are Your Friends..."
Justice - We Are Your Friends (Something Wrong Bass Remix)
and then... then the pain stopped...
-Manley, Himself.
wtf.... hahaha
I was feeling quite silly this morning...
so much support from and for this blog!!!
What E.S said, and FIGURe too!! :-D
I wanted to try to work this in, but I couldn't find an angle... and I don't know if you even thought about it before Figure...
but I think you and your boy Action should start a duo/production project called "Action Figure"
pretty good huh?
I'm like a big thing full of great ideas...
Think about me when you take THAT to the bank!
Penned Madness Supports YOU!!!!!!
Well, well, following you for a long time now... First comment: you're the man! This is probably your best collection. Well arranged, well explained, well sold! Thank you, Manley! - Yourself!
Penned, you are too good to me. love the action jackson and fIG.
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