Thursday, May 28, 2009

Nosaj ThinggnihT jasoN

Nosaj Thing is Jason Chung. A Los Angeles based trip-hop producer. He just dropped his new album world wide yesterday called Drift. You can get it here. It was made over the last three years, and I'm happy he took his time crafting this master piece. It is a beautiful array of sweeping synths, vocal stabs, side chained 8-bits grit, and beats and bass to make any session amazing. He's remixed the likes of Flying Lotus and Radiohead with more soon to come out. Please cop his album, it's fucking dope.

Here is a cut off his album that I can't stop playing.

Nosaj Thing - IOIO

- DC/GlowTape!


Jack said...

Thanks a lot for posting this. I was going through a bit of a dry spell in terms of new music and this post made my day. This blog never ceases to amaze me I really appreciate the effort and commitment you guys put into this. Keep it up.

DC/GlowTape! said...

Thanks man! We try our best!

E.Strange said...

yea seriously thanks Jack!!! we love what we do and it shows tis all!!!!!

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