Alright I don't know if this is for real or not, and I'm not the one who posted this on youtube. But I found this while keeping tabs on the status of my Malente edit and came across this video. Whether that really is my edit or not the fact that people are associating me with this is amazing! And it wouldn't be at all possible with out all you guys and gals who love on this amazing blog! BIG UPS! See you all in Tallahassee for Menace Beach next Friday!!!!
Just to make sure you didn't miss it (or figured out if you click that link up there it takes you to the page) here is the track!
Malente Vs Riva Starr - I Like It (GlowTape! Likes An Edit)
- GlowTape!
Now looking over the video again, a little more clear minded. The date this video was posted was like two months before that edit was ever made or thought up. lol. But pretty cool I guess either way.
In addition, Erick is not playing it is Annie Mac Playing and erick gets on the mic to tell people to "Give it up for her" while she is dj'ing. So the video should be titled ANNIE MAC not erick morillo.
totaly sounds like it though
If only. One day...
i play your track in my sets now :)
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